Wednesday, March 09, 2011

my little bluebonnet

the sweet pea had her very first soccer practice tonight and let it be said, that i was every bit as excited as she was.  let's be honest here.  when i went in for my ultrasound, the day before christmas eve when i was pregnant with this little sugar plum, and the technician looked at the screen and said, "it's a girl"...all kinds of dreams were conceived right along with her.  my dreams.  chad's dreams.  her dreams.  God's already dreamed dreams.


i played soccer...for the bluebonnets. soccer was one of my sports.  i loved soccer.  i was good at soccer.  and i want one of my kids to love soccer too.  i ask myself, "why?"  and furthermore...why am i a little more excited to watch aiden play soccer than i was either of the boys?  it hit me tonight, as i fastened the shin guards and laced up the cleats, that it is because i hope that i will see a little of myself in her.  she has her daddy's brown hair.  she has his analytical mind, and his non-emotional reactions. and i love that.  but sometimes...when i look at her...i squint to see some aspect or characteristic of me in her.

and tonight...

i did.

1 comment:

Granna said...

Too cute! I can't wait to see her games...and that little bit of you as well. She is precious!